What Is Biofilm and How Can You Get Rid Of It?

Biofilm – you may not know what it is but you know it does not sound good. If you have been using chemical cleaning products in your home you may not even realize that surfaces may already contain biofilm. Biofilm is often invisible to the eye (or may be pink in color) but, make no mistake, it is there, and it is not good. CleanLink describes what biofilm is and why it is so concerning, “The film left behind from cleaning products can be a growth medium for microorganisms, a particular problem in moist places. This results in layers that are hard to clean. Biofilm is where microbes establish a colony, similar to slime on a rock or plaque on teeth. “Biodegradable means that microbes feed on it,” says Rathey. “So those residues can actually feed microorganisms.” What’s more, once biofilm becomes entrenched, it becomes very difficult to remove. “Biofilm protects all these living organisms,” says Hicks. “It’s kind of like putting plastic wrap over something.”’

Many individuals buy chemical cleaning products with the hope that those chemicals will help kill the bacteria but, even the most “eco-friendly” cleaning products leave behind this problematic film. Because bacteria continue to grow under this protective layer of biofilm, it can harbor harmful bacteria that can lead to illness, making it unsafe for food preparation and can lead to the spread of illness. Further, biofilm can even damage surfaces – they can stain and pit household surfaces. Biofilm can live and grow on virtually any surface so proper cleaning is critical to prevent the problem. Because good old fashioned elbow grease may not even be enough to get rid of biofilm, steam cleaning is the answer to the problem. Steam can penetrate porous surfaces and not just clean but disinfect – killing 99% of bacteria and effectively removing biofilm from any surface. When you would to completely eradicate the problem, steam is the best solution. Because there are porous surfaces as well as tiny cracks and crevices on surfaces, you may think you have gotten rid of the problem only to leave behind a tiny amount of biofilm and bacteria that then grows all over again. Cleaning Business Today explains why the only way to have peace of mind that biofiom is eradicated is to use steam, “Due to the porous nature of tile grout, bacteria can remain untouched in nooks and crannies causing a quick return of the biofilm. Administering steam vapor will assist in reaching and killing those hard to reach bacteria, allowing a longer time between biofilm appearances.”


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