3 Ways to Clean Up After a Party with a Steam Cleaner

Throwing a party in your home is always fun, but the cleanup after is usually not very much fun.  Party guests can track things into your home on their shoes, spill food or drinks during the party, use your bathrooms, and more.  Who wants to have hours of scrubbing, mopping, and disinfecting after a party?  Nobody.  But, do not let the cleanup deter you from having fun and inviting people into your home.  There is a solution!  Steam cleaning after a party makes cleanup a breeze and can tackle almost any cleaning task that may come your way!

3 Ways to Clean Up After a Party with a Steam Cleaner

  1. Floors
    • Any time you invite people into your home, they track in a lot of dirt and bacteria on their shoes. Wherever their shoes have been (parking lots, gas stations, grocery stores, public restrooms), that bacteria has now been tracked into your home and onto your flooring.  Further, if people drop food or spill drinks during a party, which they often do, that is now on your flooring.  You could break out the chemical cleaning products, and scrub the tile and grout, mop the floors and try to get rid of everything.  But then you have just added chemicals to your home and spent hours on your knees trying to get the floors clean.  A steam cleaner only uses water to completely clean and disinfect your flooring.  Additionally, it can penetrate even the tiniest of pores in your flooring and grout to lift and remove dirt, debris and bacteria with ease.
  2. Countertops
    • Countertops tend to take a lot of abuse during a party. Whether it is the kitchen counters, bathroom counters, dining table or elsewhere, people put their drinks and food on them without much thought about how dirty it will make them or if it will cause damage.  Fortunately, steam cleaning is a fast and easy way to get all of that food and bacteria off your countertops in every room of your home.  It will leave behind a completely disinfected and clean countertop without any chemical cleaning products.
  3. Bathrooms
    • One of the dirtiest places after any party is the bathroom. So many people have used it and you probably do not want to use your sink or toilet after so many people have without a good scrubbing.  Scrubbing a toilet is a gross task that nobody looks forward to.  And, who knows if you are really getting rid of all that bacteria.  Your steam cleaner can be used on virtually every surface of your bathroom including the sink, countertop, toilet, faucet, bathtub, shower, etc.

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