Invest in a Steam Cleaner & Take Control of Gum Removal for Your Business
Gum removal is a dirty task that nobody is particularly excited to take on. But, many businesses and cities are tasked with gum removal to keep their business, or public areas clean and nice looking. Gum gets stuck on flooring, tables, chairs, and many other surfaces like shoes, car upholstery/carpeting, carpet, and more! Gum is not easy to remove. It sticks well and often leaves a stain if you are able to get it off. Constantly replacing things that get gum on them is expensive and wasteful and stains are unsightly and not exactly ideal for business. But, gum can show up at any time and nobody wants to have to wait until the annual gum cleaning to get gum off of things. Philly explains that the struggle is real when it comes to cleaning gum, but steam cleaning has proven itself as an effective gum cleaning method, “If you’ve ever had gum stuck to your car’s flooring or seats, you know it can lead to a sticky situation.Eliminating gum from the interior of your car can be extremely difficult. Although a quick search online reveals dozens of ways to remove gum from car seats and carpets, there doesn’t appear to be a universally accepted solution.It’s a job not even veteran detailer James Carter has totally conquered… He’s also had success using steam cleaners. Steam cleaners ‘are quick and easy and can completely remove gum without leaving any residue,’ he said.”
Business owners, in particular, need an efficient and effective way to remove gum whenever the need arises. Enter steam cleaners. Vapamore steam cleaners are lightweight, easy to use, and exceptionally powerful. They can easily penetrate porous surface and get underneath gum to lift and remove it without harming the surface. And, better yet, they can often remove the residual gum stains normally left behind on surfaces. A business could pay hundreds of dollars to have someone come and steam clean gum, or they could invest their money in their own high-quality, commercial-grade steam cleaner and do it themselves. The steam cleaner will have paid for itself within 1-2 gum removals! And, the investment will provide additional return on investment because that same steam cleaner can be used for things like graffiti removal and other cleaning tasks because it can clean tables, chairs, flooring, kitchen surfaces, bathroom surfaces, upholstery and more! An investment in a steam cleaner for gum removal will allow you to take back control of gum removal and keep your business looking its best at all times.
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